Discover how to train a recall your dog wants to come to so you can finally feel the freedom of off-leash adventures without the anxiety!

If you’re like most dog owners, you got a dog with the dream of enjoying off-leash walks at the beach or through the woods.

Training your dog their name was the first thing you taught them, and as a puppy they responded so fast! But somewhere along the way, they stopped coming when you called.

You likely tried Obedience training, recalling from a “sit, stay”, maybe you’ve done other programs or classes, and yet you still can’t get your dog to come when you call or when you’re outside around distractions.

Perhaps you’ve resolved it’s because of their breed. You’ve read that you can never let a husky or a sighthound off lead. Maybe other trainers have convinced you to use tools like e-collars or that your dog is simply “untrainable”.

Most dog owners make the mistake of thinking a recall is only about your dog responding to a recall cue.

BUT it’s really about your dog choosing you over the environment!

I’ll give it to you straight, you can train your dog’s recall cue all day long. You can train it with filet mignon, and it still won’t be reliable unless your dog has 3 essential skills.

Read on if you’re ready to take your dog’s recall from distant and distracted to skidding-to-a-halt-turning-on-a-dime-and-beelining-back-to-you.

Say good-bye to anxiety as you hesitantly unclip that lead, and say hello to your dog as they come launching towards you when you call with grease-lightning speed.

With results like these:

Our puppy’s recall has improved! I even called her off a rabbit that was 20ft away.”
— the mom of Evee, a 6mth Herding Breed
Within two weeks, Rooney has grasped the concepts taught at Rapid Recall. She had a moment where she was feeling uncertain, and the training she learned kicked in to return to me almost instantly.
— the mom of Rooney, a 6mth GSD
Ria was barking at my turkey. She ignored me of course and then I did her whistle.  She came flying back!
— mom of Ria, a 1 yr old sighthound

It’s no wonder it’s called RAPID RECALL.

Training your dog typically feels like work. Especially with all the noise on the internet of what the “right” way is, right?

If you’re like most dog owners I work with, you got your dog with a dream in mind; to enjoy off-leash walks, days at the beach, and camping trips without anxiety, firefighting, or chasing after them yelling, “don’t worry he’s friendly!”

…not spend an hour per day training them!

Well, the reality is, our dog’s do not come programmed to disengage from distractions like cats, squirrels, people, or other dogs.

In fact, its the exact opposite. They have been bred for hundreds of years to not disengage from distraction.

Think about it. The farmer needed his collies to leave him at great distances, to hyperfocus on the livestock, to round it up, nip at their heels, and indicate to him when one was lame.

The terriers were sent out through the castle to spot the tiny movement of rodents, chase them down into dark holes and kill them.

We’re literally training against millennia of our dog’s not recalling, of running away from us at great distances to focus on everything other than us.

So if you’re recall training with Obedience and “sit, stays” you’re going to be at it a looong time, my friend. Because, when, ever, when your dog is off leash, are they in a “sit, stay”?

They’re not.

They are running, jumping, parkour!-ing, and engaging in the environment. They’re not sitting down, waiting for you to call them.

I mean… has that training worked so far? If you’ve come this far, I’m gonna take a wild guess, it’s not.

But it’s OKAY!

Because now that you know this, it’s as simple as taking our dog’s natural instincts and using them to train a recall they WANT to come to!

The best recall isn’t a magic word or a special treat.

It’s about the experience you provide when they arrive.

It’s about sharing a relationship “bank account” with your dog, that has such a deep investment that it outweighs the moments where you do have to make a withdrawal, like calling them away from swimming, stealing another dogs ball, or play.

When you train your dog to apply their instinctual skills through a rewarding and interactive experience with you, you will have a dog that:

  • CHOOSES to stay close

  • CHOOSES to say, “that’s none of my business” when the cat scampers across the fence, the squirrel scurries up the tree, the rabbit dashes into the bush

  • CHOOSES to turn on a dime and return to you as the strangers round the corner with their on-leash reactive dog

  • CHOOSES to bypass the stinky swamp, the deer poop, the random McDonald’s wrapper on the ground.

And they do this all without you even having to recall them.

Your recall cue is like a siren, an enchanting song calling your dog in like a sailor at sea.

Except, ya know, without the destruction on the rocks and all that.

The moments when you do call your dog, they’ll be:

  • Disengaging from the worlds distractions

  • Coming in close to shadow you or go back on leash

  • Calm so that they can make these awesome choices, even in the face of cyclists, horses, other dogs, or people

The #1 Mistake Dog Owners Make:

Trying to train their dog’s recall in the moment.

And if you’re doing this, you already know you’re losing more often you win.

Which means your dog is getting more skilled at not coming when you call.

Or worse! Mistake #2…

You’ve been convinced that you need to use punishment to get them to come, like e-collars, or a tap on the nose when they finally arrive because it wasn’t fast enough.

I get it. Been there. It doesn’t work.

Because it only told your dog that your recall cue is the indicator of a bad deal.

Which is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Think of recall training like baking a cake.

You have 3 essential ingredients, or skills rather, that you train in 5 specific steps in your recall “recipe”. And if you skip a step or an ingredient, your recall “cake” is going to crumble in the face of distractions.

So how do you “bake” the most irresistible recall? One step at a time.

A great recall isn’t trained by just calling your dog.

It’s a symphony of skills.

Preheat the oven - this is where I teach you to establish a common language with your dog.

Mix your wet ingredients; the eggs, sugar, vanilla etc. - this is where I show you how to grow your dog’s reward experience and tailor it to them individually.

Then you mix our dry ingredients and combine them with the wet - this is where I teach you how to play the training games using your common language and reward experience.

Toss it into the pan and bake it! - this is where you level-up your games -  every game has a progression!

Then we eat cake! - Take it out and about, around distractions and see your training pay off!

Imagine just for a moment…

Calling your dog and they whip around to launch back towards you. What does that feel like?

I can tell you right now, it feels like winning the lottery.

Okay, so I’ve never won the lottery, but holy heck does it ever feel great.

Your dog’s ears flaring out like airplane wings as they whip around to face you, their big goofy tongue hanging out the side of their mouth and they leap with all their might in biiiig long strides, them slamming on the breaks as they get close, and wiggle around at your feet as you tell them how amazing they are, while their big sweeping tail wags fan your legs with gale force winds.

Welp, you don’t have to imagine any longer, because the opportunity is here, right at your finger tips.

“So grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly!”


Your guide to training a Recall your dog actually WANTS to come to!

In fact, they’ll love being with you so much, half the time you won’t even need to call them. And when you do, they’re on it. Like white on rice, baby.

Rapid Recall isn’t a “training” program like all the others you may have taken...

…it’s a series of games that will change how you…

COMMUNICATE and INTERACT with your dog so you two share an enchanting language they want to listen to!

  • You discover what motivates your dog - so that the days of being ignored by your dog are over as interaction with you becomes the main event!

  • The secret to the BEST recall cue - *hint - it’s not their name!

  • The QUICKEST way to have them listen - Get your dog’s focused attention right now, without the pain of punishment or force!

  • How to STOP your dog from running off - What makes them CHOOSE to stay in sight and close to you without bugging off to greet others, chase wildlife, or seek out mud and random garbage left on the ground.

  • The SINGLE MOST effective way to have your recall work in real life - my #1 process to bridging the gap between a recall that works at home and one that works outside.

Let me show you what is waiting for you inside Rapid Recall once you sign up…

17 Game-changing video lessons, including:

  • Learn HOW the games work, why it's different from other training methods, and its the MOST powerful way for your dog to learn!

  • 9 Games to shape your dog's brain to WANT to recall more than jumping in that stinky swamp!

  • The secret to a powerful recall is not about food! It's about the experience! 4 video bonus lessons on how to power up each of the 9 games to keep the progress alive!

I’ve helped hundreds of people enjoy off-leash freedom with their dog, and now it’s your turn!

Since I started my business as an off-leash group hiker (with these cool kids you see in the photos) I’ve seen so many people struggling to fit training their dog into their life.

I’ve seen so many dog owners who have given up on their dream of off-leash walks because they don’t trust their dog off leash.

I’ve seen so many people rehome their dog because they live on a busy road and the dog scampers out the door, their dog can’t be off leash because they struggle with reactivity, or because the dog owner thinks they can’t attend a training class because their dog is too unpredictable.

I see FAR too many people resolving to send their dog to a balanced trainer for a 3 week board & train costing them upwards of $3500, only to have their dog returned shutdown, all their personality and passion stifled, and STILL not able to perform the desired behaviours because of learned helplessness due to the e-collar around their neck.

I’ve seen too many Facebook posts of dogs chasing otters into the water at Island View Beach resulting in wounds so severe the dog passes away within a day.

I’ve heard far too many horror stories of dogs charging horses and being trampled, or chasing a ball into a road and losing a limb.

I’ve seen our local parks in the past year outlaw dogs and limit off-leash areas by 85%.

The cost of dogs not having a recall is simply too high.

I started my business with the mission of enhancing as many dog’s lives as possible.

It’s for that reason that I want to make sure I get this training into as many hands as possible, so we can preserve the safety of our dogs, their wellbeing, live that dream of off-leash freedom, and give them their very best life.

So tell me… are you in?

Instant access to the full program. Trainer support. No hidden fees.

60 day no questions asked 100% money-back guarantee.

Get Instant Access to my complete Rapid Recall program

Lifetime access for 1 Payment of $247

$147 CAD

60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

Hey, if the training isn’t for you, that’s okay! I encourage you to find the program that is.

If you don’t like the course, if it doesn’t work for you, please email in to within 60 days of your purchase and I will refund your order.

No questions asked.

I have some extra “treats” for you.

The 3 core modules of Rapid Recall will completely transform your dog’s recall from distant and distracted to focused and engaged. But that’s just the beginning.

When you join Rapid Recall, you will also get:

  • BONUES #1 Calmness & The Bucket List - a PDF on growing Calmness and understanding your dog’s stress and stimulation threshold. How you can increase their threshold and help them achieve calmness faster!

  • BONUS #2 Crate Training BONUS value of $27 - a PDF to training your dog’s desire for their gate, crate, bed, or pen! Giving our dog’s a safe space in our home will help them grow overall Calmness, Disengagement, and Optimism. All of which are key concepts to off-leash freedom!

The time has come for you to make one of two choices…

The first choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you already know, if nothing changes, nothing changes.

You can keep going along the beaten path of an unreliable recall, having your heart drop out of your chest every time your dog gets near a horse or a road, or reactive dog, go home frustrated as they are covered nose to tail in mud, or spent an extra hour trying to get them out of the ocean or back on leash to go to the car.

Or continue walking your dog on leash only, denying yourself and them the off-leash freedom you’ve always dreamed of and you know they deserve.

But if you already know that you are dedicated to having those off-leash adventures in the forest, at the beach, at your local park, that you know your dog deserves, then your choice is obvious.

Join Rapid Recall and start your transformation to becoming the hottest thing around in your dogs eyes every time you let them off leash.

Simply click on the button below and I’ll see you inside.

And if you’re still on the fence, let me share one last thought with you…

Your dog is here on this planet for a short time.

We get 8-12 years with them. 15-18 if we’re reeeally lucky.

Wouldn’t you rather spend it living the life you dreamed of rather than firefighting their behaviour?

Wouldn’t you rather harness the power of their instincts and inspire them to choose you?

You CAN do it. With the right mindset. With the right training, and with the right support you can transform your and your dog’s walks with off-leash freedom.

And I will be right there to help.

Join right now, and let’s make that dream a reality.

And, because I give a


Your biggest questions answered!

  • #1 Consistency - I don't want you spending hours per day or even hours per week training your dog. Why? Because it's not sustainable. 2-3 minutes 2-3 times per day will give you the greatest progress.

    #2 Mindset - they're in love with their dog and living the dream they had when they got them. Simply the enjoyment of doing something fun with their dog boosts the consistency.

    #3 Focus on the 1% - In Rapid Recall we zero in on the 1% improvements you can make daily. It's not about some massive change in lifestyle or dedication of hours, it's bite size pieces as you're brewing your coffee, waiting for dinner to cook, the spare 3 mins before you have to head out the door.

    #4 Customizable Plan - No one knows your dog better than you, and I am going to help you target exactly what they find rewarding, what catches their focus, and how YOU can be the one who can deliver exactly what they're asking for so they deliver exactly what YOU are asking for - them to come when you call.

  • Rapid Recall was created for everyone from first time puppy owners to seasoned dog sports pros.

    We revisit the basics of mechanics, straight through leveling up the games to squeeze as much progress as we can.

    So yes, new dog owner, seasoned dog owner, puppy to senior dogs. This program is suitable for you.

  • If your dog isn't food motivated, chances are they aren't in a headspace where they can accept food.

    They could be overwhelmed by the environment with excitement, worry, or fear.

    Rapid Recall is all about training FOR the moment in easy-win environments and then increasing the challenge.

    The next thing we do is play with our reward strategy. Think of this like going out for dinner. Do you want the McDonald's drive-thru or do you want the champagne-on-arrival experience?

    In Rapid Recall we cover how to level up your reward strategy to give your dog the champagne-on-arrival experience so they are motivated no matter what kind of food you're offering.

  • We use games-based concept training to create a rewarding and fun interaction between you and your dog. This is a R+ method, using food, play, praise, and toys to encourage repeat behaviour. We do not use punishment methods like e-collars, prongs, noise makers, spray bottles/collars. If you currently use these punishment methods we are happy to help you transition.

  • Games-based concept training is based on Neuroplasticity - a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain. In English - We set up the situation in which for our dog to “win” they must choose to use specific skills - Disengagement from distraction, Calmness, and Proximity, resulting in them choosing to engage with you instead of the environment.
    The more we reinforce those great choices with a rewarding experience, the more they repeat it. Which saves you from having to constantly tell them what to do. Instead, they start choosing it voluntarily.

  • Your dog will understand they are free to do doggie things like sniff and explore, however they will also choose to do so in closer proximity to you, so they stay within your sight and recalling them becomes easy because they are close and still “in-tune” with you while they do their dog activities.

  • Through the games method in Rapid Recall you will discover what speaks to your dog and inspiring them to choose to disengage from distractions, engage with you, and stay close with you.

    If you get stuck or are struggling to find what inspires your dog, reach out via email and I am happy to provide personalized feedback to help you and your dog break through plateaus.

    My greatest desire is to see you two succeed and I am here to support you every step of the way.

  • There are many similar training exercises on Youtube.

    However its not just the training game. It's how you play it.

    In Rapid Recall we cover the nuances that will help you break through plateaus, learn to speak your dog's personal language, and how to inspire them specifically to choose to recall.

  • Rapid Recall is life-time access. Repeat and enjoy as many times as you like.

  • Rapid Recall is all about fitting your dog's training into your life - not fitting your life around training.

    Each video in the program is 3-10 minutes. For best results, train by playing a game for 1-3 mins, 3 times per day. For a total of less than 10 mins per day.

    Management practices are strongly encouraged during the training process to ensure good rehearsal. There is a lesson on management strategies in the program.

  • Results will depend on the individual human and dog team.

    With daily training and management strategies you will begin to see progress in 3-4 weeks.

    To be clear, this is not a "get rich quick" scheme of dog training. It's a "go the distance" method. The effort and consistency you put in, you will get in return.

    Best outcomes from my clients have been progress within 3 days. And off-leash freedom within a month.

  • This online program is 100% risk-free! If you are unhappy with the program for any reason I will happily refund your money within 60 days of your purchase. No questions asked.

  • The videos are all pre-recorded, allowing you to log in and watch anytime that suits you.