The core mission of Mission Paws Dog School is to coach dog owners through strengthening their relationship with their dog without the use of aversive tools or methods. We use fear-free modes of reward including food, affection, and praise to guide our dogs towards the desirable behaviors creating a fun and interactive experience with their human.

We do not use "corrections", leash jerks or punishment. If you have, or currently use these methods, we are happy to help you transition.

Please note services purchased expire 6 months after the purchase date.

Upon registration payment must be made in full unless otherwise arranged with Mission Paws Dog School. The registration form must be filled out including a full history of your dog as well as your contact information.

Group Classes

You must cancel more than 7 business days before your class starts that you registered for to receive a refund. This gives us time to fill your space. Refunds are subject to a $20 service fee to cover payment processing fees.


Missed Classes

We cannot offer make up sessions for classes. Students may miss 1 class out of the set, if you miss 2 classes you will forfeit the set.



Dogs that are sick or recovering from illness are not permitted to partake in class. If your dog is not neutered or spayed please disclose this as we may have to ensure they are safe during class or sessions. If your dog is in heat they may not attend classes or sessions. You may attend class without your dog in these cases and this is encouraged. Please ensure your dog is up to date on necessary vaccines or has had a recent titre.


Bite History

If your dog has a bite history they are not eligible for group classes. Private training would be your option. Please contact us if you have any questions. You must disclose this at time of registration.


Unsuitable Dogs for Classes

Should we feel the group setting is beyond your dog's comfort level needed to achieve their greatest success the cost of the training classes will be redirected towards private sessions; subject to private training rate.


Dogs must be kept on leash at all times during group classes and private sessions unless otherwise directed by the trainer.


Private sessions

If you cannot make it to your scheduled session, notification must be given minimum 24hrs before the schedule session time. Cancelations with less than 24 hrs notice are subject to a $50 cancelation fee.



Outdoor sessions take place rain or shine. In the event of extreme weather that compromises safety of human or dog, the class/session will take place at the same scheduled time on Zoom.

Accepted equipment: Back Clip Harness (“Y” shaped chest piece is recommended over a “no-pull” style), flat buckle collar, head harness/collar, flat leash, double clip leash, muzzles

Unacceptable equipment: ecollars, shock collars, martingale collar without a stop, choke chains, bark collars, spray collars, air horns, spray bottles

Reading and training the dog and individual in front of us is as important as the +Reinforcement methods we use. The way one exercise looks for one dog may not look exactly the same for another due to the unique qualities of each individual and dog. It’s our job to note these needs and help you adjust the exercise to suit you and your dog to your highest benefit.

Dog classes are focused on the human-dog relationship. There will be no direct dog-dog interaction or play time. We take this very seriously to ensure the safety of everyone. Violation will result in being asked to leave class with no option of refund. We believe effective dog socialization is about peaceful co-existence rather than head-to-head contact.

Dog training is an on-going process. Results will vary from individual to individual and dog to dog. To ensure you and your dog receive the highest benefit from our training, participation and consistency between classes is imperative to achieve success. Mission Paws Dog School cannot guarantee the results of it’s dog training. Because of variables in dog individuality, owner commitment and experience and lifestyle, a trainer cannot and should not guarantee the results of their training.

Should we feel your dog’s needs extend beyond our scope of practice you will be referred to a qualified Veterinary Behaviorist or +Reinforcement Trainer specialized in the area of need.

Consistency between dog and their family members is encouraged. Price for classes is per working-pair (1 human +1 dog). You may have 1 additional family member attend with you. (A child is welcome to attend and must be able to remain seated for the duration of the class unless working with their dog).

Children under 8 years of age are not permitted to attend classes.

Participants 18 years or younger must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Training Locations

Classes will take place at either Hamsterly Park at the North End of Elk Lake, Echo Ridge Stables, or the Vic West Community Centre - please take note when selecting your group class.

Private sessions for The Puppy Package will take place at your home, Hampton Park, or Rudd Park depending on the vaccination status of your pup and what the dog trainer feels is most appropriate to your puppy’s success.

Training & Behaviour - first session will be held over zoom to discuss your dog’s behavior questionnaire. Your Zoom link will be sent to you the day before your appointment. Following appointments may be held in person or over zoom depending on the behavior challenge and your dog’s individual comforts/needs.

Client’s Rights

The client has the right to refuse any part of the functional assessment, training class and/or behaviour change program including any training exercises they feel are inappropriate. It is recommended that client openly communicates with the trainer/behaviour consultant, and the behaviour change or training program may be adjusted to reflect the client’s wishes. The client has the right to ask further questions and be clear on all relevant details before consenting to the consulting relationship.

Payment must be made during registration process in the form of credit card or e-transfer. NSF payments are subject to a $45 dollar fee. Refunds are subject to a $20 service fee to cover payment processing fees.

Photos & Video: We often take photos and video and may choose to post on social media.
