Private Lessons

Private Lessons

  • The Puppy Package

    3 x 45 min $269 + gst

    6 x 45 min $449 + gst (save $90)

    1 x 45 min Follow Up $90 + gst

    For puppies 4 months and younger.

    Tired of stepping in a warm puddles your pup has left around each corner? Feeling at your wits end with pitchy cries from the crate? Lost on how to get started with leash training and household manners? Are your arms and hands stinging from all the nippy mouthing? What about socialization? Everyone says it must be done, but how do you go about it safely?

    With all the dog training mumbo jumbo on the internet it's easy to get overwhelmed with a new puppy.

    The Puppy Package is all about getting you and your pup off on the right paw. Say good-bye to frustration and confusion and hello to the path to a perfect pupper.

    Helping you go from:

    - Wet socks to a pup who communicates when they need to go out

    - Chaotic bedtimes to calm rests

    - Socialization confusion to a confident dog who can be cool in this crazy world without risking fear and trauma

    - Annoying lagging or pulling on lead to moving through the world as a team

    - Wound riddled arms and hands to gentle, fun, play you both enjoy

    **Follow-up single sessions are available upon completion of a 3 or 6 session package.

    Session location is at your home, Rudd Park, or Hampton Park depending on puppy age and vaccination status.

  • Training & Behavior

    1 x 60 min Consult & 1 x 45 min Follow Up $210 + gst

    3 x 45 min Follow Up package $250 + gst (save $20)

    1 x 45 min Follow Up $90 + gst

    Tailor-made programs for situations such as:

    - Unreliable recall

    - Leash pulling

    - Distracted and unpredictable dogs

    - Barking, lunging, and reactivity

    - Household chaos, door crashing, jumping up, or barking at visitors

    - FOMO frustrations and separation anxiety (severe separation cases will be referred out to a qualified specialist)

    - Skittish with noises or movements

    - Stranger Danger!

    - Dog-dog reactivity

    - Chewing and destructive to your items and home

    - Resource guarding with items (food, toys, people), territory aggression

    - Dog-children interactions

    - Vet and/or grooming struggles

    From the initial consultation you will have a deeper understanding of your dog and what causes their behaviours, why previous training has not provided the results you were seeking, and have actionable steps you can implement immediately to move away from frustration, feel relief from the problem, and start building an even deeper bond with your dog so you two can navigate the world together as a team, with reliable focused attention, cool calm collection, and easy living.

    Session packages or single session follow-up available after completion.

    Consult appointment is held over zoom. Following appointments may be held in person at your home, Rudd Park, Hampton Park or over zoom depending on the individual dog and their comfort/needs.

Please note there will be an annual increase to pricing of private sessions on October 1, 2024 in acknowledgment of the rising costs of business administrative programs/apps/services, insurance, and continued education.

All clients who have made a private session purchase before October 1, 2024 will be given grandfathered pricing until December 31, 2024.

Have questions?

Check out the FAQ page or send me an email.