Your pup is my passion.

Samaya De Laat 

Mission Paws Dog School (formerly Mission Pawsable Dog Hiking) started in September 2020. Since I was small I have always been in love and obsessed with dogs. Through the many challenges of starting a business, one centered around wonderful creatures who do not speak English no less, I sought out any resources I could possibly find to help me give these pups their best possible experience.

I discovered Absolute Dogs via their podcast, Sexier Than a Squirrel on Spotify (which I’ve now been a guest on 3 times!). Since then I have fully immersed myself in their programs and teachings. Absolute Dogs has been a total game changer when it comes to how I work with and understand dogs.

I had looked into several dog training certifications but none of them gave me that ‘za-za-zu’ feeling. They all kinda of fell flat.

However, once I heard the Absolute Dogs Manifesto I had this glowing feeling of, “Yes, this is it. I am home.”

Fast-forward to 2023 - I have been brought on by the Absolute Dogs team and I am now one of the Pro Dog Trainers educating our Absolute Dogs community of over 3000 students, as well as coaching new Pro Dog Trainers through the Pro Dog Trainer program and subsequent continuing education programs that dive into Canine Behavior.

The most fulfilling part of educating my students and future pro dog trainers is witnessing their light-bulb moments. It’s that split second when learning theory, the law of individuality, and compassion meet. When the student’s understanding clicks and they apply it to their individual dog to achieve clear communication without the use of punishment.

And ultimately, achieve their dream dog relationship.


  • Absolute Dogs Pro Dog Trainer certification 2021

  • Absolute Dogs Pro Dog Trainer GEEK Behavior certification 2021

  • Absolute Dogs Pro Dog Trainer Club continued professional development ongoing

  • Attended the Separation Anxiety Consultation Deep Dive with Dr. Tom Mitchell MRCVS

  • Attended the Dog-Dog Reactivity Consultation Deep Dive with Dr. Tom Mitchell MRCVS

  • Attended the Vet Visit Success Consultation Deep Dive with Dr. Tom Mitchell MRCVS

  • Completed Pro Dog Trainer Genius certification 2023