“Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.”

— Albert Einstein

Games-based Concept Training is a fear-free Positive Reinforcement method of dog training. We use play and interaction to reshape the dog’s brain. Rather than simply training out a singular behavior we are building brain concepts at the root. There are 16 core concepts we work with - Optimism, Confidence, Disengagement, Calmness, Thinking in Arousal, to name a few.

“Neurons that fire together, wire together.”

- Donald Hebb

In other words, instead of teaching our dog to enact a set list of cues from us, we are helping our dogs form new neural pathways in order to respond to situations and the environment. Through creating engaging and rewarding experiences, we are not only teaching our dogs what what to do, we are teaching them how to think.