Workshops & Classes

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Rapid Recall

Registration for September 28th & October 5th OPEN

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Train the 3 MUST-HAVE skills for a reliable recall.

Say good-bye to:

  • Frustration as your dog plays Keep-Away

  • Embarrassment as they ignore your call, forcing you to repeat yourself 5 times

  • Heart-stopping moments as they approach a busy road or reactive dog

  • Butterflies of anxiety as you cautiously unclip their lead

Finally have:

  • Instant, turn-on-a-dime recall

  • Feeling confident in letting your dog off lead knowing you can easily get them back

  • Allowing them to explore the world as the adventure-seeker they are while staying close

What you get:

  • Small class size, ensuring you get the best hands-on coaching experience

  • Learn the 6 recall games we swear-by to train your dog to choose you over anything in the environment

  • 2 x 1hr classes in person, in the company of other dogs and humans, teaching your dog they are there to work with you!

  • FREE lifetime access to Rapid Recall ONLINE released June 15th, 2024, a $147 value!

  • Biothane long-line from Tiny Horse Mercantile and how to use it safely, a $45 value!

Sept 28th & Oct 5th

3:30pm - 4:30pm

This class is for you if…

  • Your dog is constantly distracted by the next thing

  • You head out the door for a walk and your dog is pulling at the end of the lead, desperate to be 10 blocks ahead

  • They focus on everything other than you when outside - the bird, the bicycle, the leaf, the cat, the other dog or human

  • You can’t leave the room or do anything at home without your dog getting involved

  • Your dog struggles to settle after a walk, play, or when something exciting happens

  • You’ve tried training classes, but it just doesn’t work in real life

Your dog may have been described by others as…

  • “Untrainable”, “stubborn”, or “unruly adolescent”

  • “High-energy”, “busy”, or “obsessed”

  • “Aggressive”, “crazy”, or '“dominant”


You often feel like:

  • Lost, frustrated, or hopeless that you’ll never get to do the things you always wanted with your dog

  • Embarrassed, like everyone who witnesses their behaviour is judging you

This class will change your world because your dog will learn:

  • To associate all those distractions as “none of my business”, helping them stay cool, calm, and collected regardless of what is happening around them

  • How to slow their roll - no more 0 to 100 over-the-top-reactions. Friends and family will be asking “is that really your dog?!”

  • How to focus and actually listen to you when those distractions happen and perform the cue you asked for, rather than continuing to bark, pull, jump, or zoom.

  • Your movement is none of their business - you getting up for a snack, go to the bathroom, hug your partner….You’ll finally get to do those things in peace.

Loose Leash LOVE walking your dog!

Sept 29th & Oct 6th

6:00pm - 6:50pm

Vic West Community Centre

This class is for the dog who:

  • Starts pulling, jumping, barking or zooming with excitement the second you reach for their leash

  • Has their brain instantly 10 blocks ahead, pulling you down the street, into ditches to sniff, towards other dogs and people

  • Becomes “unreachable” when outside, like they’ve suddenly gone deaf

  • Won’t even take food outside, even cooked steak, so rewarding a “heel” isn’t even possible

  • Will even pull through a prong collar, martingale, or e-collar

You’re ready to:

  • Stop being dragged down the street as your frustration builds and your shoulder aches

  • Stop feeling disappointed the idea of your dogs walk and instead look forward to it!

  • Stop tripping over your own feet and instead move through the world with your dog as a team.

You will leave this class:

  • Knowing how to have your dogs focused attention from the second you reach for their leash and throughout your walk

  • With confidence knowing how to get your dog to choose you instead of pulling toward other dogs or sniffing in the ditch

  • Knowing how to give your dog a quality walk that exercises both their brain and their body without being dragged along like a train

  • Feeling like your dog’s teammate rather than their ball and chain

4 on the Floor

From chaotic jumping, muddy paw prints, and nail scratches to polite boy/girl  greetings.

Sept 29th & Oct 6th

5:00pm - 5:50pm

Vic West Community Centre

If you ever:

• Find yourself apologizing every time visitors come over as your dog launches at the front door...

• You have anxiety about what to do with the dog before grandparents arrive for fear they'll knock them over...

• You're frustrated coming home at the end of a work day or running errands, struggling to put your things down as your dog jumps all over you...

• You can't leave your kitchen unsupervised because your dog thinks anything on the counter is fair game...

• You feel rattled by the chaos of your dog crashing the fence as neighbors are out, the delivery person comes, cyclists pass, or a dog down the street barks...

Then this class is for you.

Say goodbye to chaos and hello to cool calm and collected as your dog:

• Disregards the countertop because they know the value is keeping 4 paws on the floor
• Calmly greets grandma and grandpa after they've come in and settled
• Nudges a hello as you arrive home, giving you chance to put your items down
• Greets visitors with some sniffs and wiggles instead of jumps and claws
• Chooses to go to their bed when the delivery man comes instead of crashing them at the fence

You will learn:
• The 3 reasons why dogs jump up, why it's deeper than just excitement, and the 3 skills they must have in order to calmly greet others
• Why cues like "off" often don't work or only work after they've done the jumping
• How to get your dog to see value in keeping their 4 paws on the floor and not jump up in the first place
• How to keep the dresses, countertops, coffee tables, and fences in your life paw print free

BONUS you will also get lifetime access to my 4 on the Floor online program a $97 value!

Join the Waitlist

More group classes are coming July, and August 2024!

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Those on the waitlist are first to know! You will be notified before the public giving you priority booking opportunities.